Johan Cruyff Institute, again in the ranks of the best Masters in Sport Management

The prestigious magazine Sport Business International announces the results of the 2017 rankings and Johan Cruyff Institute is again among the 40 best programs worldwide

Johan Cruyff Institute has succeeded for the sixth consecutive year to get its name in the ranking of the best Master’s programs in Sport Management worldwide, according to the prestigious publication SportBusiness International Magazine.

The Master in Sport Management at Johan Cruyff Institute has ranked 39th among all on-campus programs that have been evaluated and maintained its second position in the online world.

To prepare the ranking, the evaluation committee of SportBusiness takes into account different variables: the level of satisfaction of former students – a score that includes the quality of support received during the program, the quality of the teaching staff and an evaluation of extracurricular support; if employment has been achieved in a period of more than six months after graduation; the score of each institution to its competitors; the ratio of national and international students; the percentage of male and female students; the number of languages in which the program is offered; the average salary received in the three years after graduation, and the career opportunities offered as a service parallel to the Master.


Johan Cruyff Institute Amsterdam uses a rich learning environment that fosters educational tools based on a student interaction model. We aim for a mix of students from sports and business sectors, which also enables students to share their unique experiences and learn from each other. Through ‘Cruyffian’ teaching methods the students will engage actively in creative challenges that require effort, commitment and intuitive thinking. Visit the web pages to find out more about our programs, which we deliver in English:

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