At Johan Cruyff Institute, we are ready to resume our classroom activity. We have adapted our own facilities and we make use of other facilities in the environment. The team is ready and prepared to offer everyone at Johan Cruyff Institute a safe study environment. Our activity has not stopped and is now coming back stronger than ever.
The programs of Johan Cruyff Institute are analysed based on numbers, dynamics and content to decide the best measurements per progra. Some of the programs can be offered online as ‘back-up’, other programs have the space in the schedule to postpone classes.
How have we prepared?
Facilities and people, ready for the new stage
We have – regarding offering a safe learning environment – chosen for the use of an external accommodation: the Frans Otten Stadion. On this location spaces will be available where sufficient distance can be offered and where safety measures can be ensured. We are working closely with the Frans Otten Stadion to live up to all measures and offering a safe environment to the students. At all times, the maximum capacity will not be exceeded and we will keep an eye on the students living up to the measures.
Health and prevention
Social distance
In general, the physical safety distance is set at 1.5 meter. We expect all students and visitors of Johan Cruyff Institute will live up to this distance and respect this measure.
A mouth mask is not mandatory in The Netherlands so we don’t obligate students at Johan Cruyff Institute either. Of course, students are free to use a mouth mask if they want to.
We ask all the students to keep the 1,5 meter distance from all other students, but also from all other visitors at the accommodation. Physical contact and sharing materials/phone are not allowed.
Disinfection of facilities, environments and materials
At the end of each day, all areas used are disinfected to leave the facilities ready for the next day.
Other personal hygiene and protection measures
We try to ensure that all persons entering the facility are very careful about washing their hands. Everyone must disinfect their hands at the entrance of the campuses with hydroalcoholic solution. We recommend that they do so frequently during the day.
The facilities are frequently ventilated to facilitate air renewal. Information on the convenience of using air conditioning does not indicate that it is a factor of risk, and therefore it may be used.
All students will have their own material and should try not to share it. At the beginning of the course each student will be provided with a welcome pack.
We will not give out photocopies or other material, all of which will be delivered digitally or provided in advance. We recommend that students bring a laptop to carry out their work, which will be entirely digital. Desks and common surfaces must be left free of any material at the end of the class, to allow for cleaning.
Drinking directly from the water fountains will not be allowed. Each student must bring their own bottle of water, which can be refilled at the taps.
The teachers will leave the work surfaces (mainly tables) of the classrooms and other spaces in the facilities completely clear after use, so they can be cleaned. The delivery and correction of exercises or work will always be done digitally.
Any person showing symptoms compatible with Covid-19 or who has been in close contact with a case of Covid-19 in the previous 14 days will be expected not to report to the center and is asked to inform the management staff of Johan Cruyff Institute immediately.
In case a student tests positive on Covid-19, we will inform the rest of the group and we will consider the period of time this student has been in contact with the group. In case this is within the contamination term, we will ask the group to respect a 10 days-quarantine. The classes will then be offered online o they will be postponed.
Protect yourself and others
Protecting you is protecting us, and vice versa. In companies, in society and in all areas of life, now more than ever, our individual actions have an effect on the common good.