Due to the many registrations and great interest, an additional edition in Dutch of the Master in Coaching will start again in January 2018. An edition in English of this Master will start in February 2018
In mid-September, the 10th edition of the Dutch edition of the Master in Coaching started. Twenty enthusiastic student-coaches kicked off the program in Amsterdam with their own personal presentation. Among the students are professional cyclist Laurens ten Dam, head coach of the Dutch indoor football team Max Tjaden, head coach of the Dutch water polo youth team Arjan Vos, and assistant head of youth training at Feyenoord, Glenn van der Kraan.
Although the Master’s program focuses on coaching in sport, Johan Cruyff’s philosophy appeals to many managers and (sports) professionals, who consciously choose to lead their teams in a “Cruyffian” way. For example, among the students of this edition there is a performance analyst from a football club (NEC Nijmegen) and a hockey club (Den Bosch), a personal trainer, a finance professional, a vitality coach and two teachers. This diversity in the group makes the program extra challenging and interesting.

Students and professors Master in Coaching
Over the next 10 months, the coaches who have started recently will work hard on their own personal development, which will make them a better coach/manager of others as well. As Johan Cruyff always said, “You can’t coach others if you don’t know how to coach yourself.” In June, these students will complete their studies.
Over the years, the program has become so popular in and outside the Netherlands that an additional edition of the Dutch edition started last January. This summer, the registrations were overwhelming once again, so Johan Cruyff Institute has decided to start an extra edition in January 2018 as well. An English edition will start in February.
In the run-up to the January edition, we will organize two more information sessions. These are free to visit, and are an opportunity to learn more about our unique ‘Cruyffian’ approach and to meet the Institute and the team. Anyone who is interested is more than welcome to come on Thursday October 26 or Tuesday December 19 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. You can sign up by sending an email to: nl@cruyffinstitute.org.
Johan Cruyff Institute Amsterdam uses a rich learning environment that fosters educational tools based on a student interaction model. We aim for a mix of students from sports and business sectors, which also enables students to share their unique experiences and learn from each other. Through ‘Cruyffian’ teaching methods the students will engage actively in creative challenges that require effort, commitment and intuitive thinking. Visit the web pages to find out about our programs, which we deliver in English:
- Master in Coaching (Start: February 2018, Amsterdam and Arnhem)
- Master in Sport Management (Start: September 2018, Amsterdam)